Capital Real Estate CVBA, CRE for short, with its registered office at 1000 Brussels, Kunstlaan 56, registered with the Brussels RPR under the number 0680.614.158 to be contacted at 02/883.73.47 or at, and its affiliated companies, have prepared this website with the utmost care.
The information presented here is of a general nature, and can in no way be considered as conclusive professional legal and/or tax advice adapted to your specific or concrete personal circumstances.
The information presented here is insufficient to make a purchase decision. This information does not constitute an offer, but is merely a notification that the project shown here will be developed. Those who express interest will be informed on the merits in personal interviews, and will then have access to all relevant documentation that is part of a purchase file. The exposition by the promoter/vendor with respect to revenues, returns, central facility services, etc. can at most be considered an effort commitment, not a result commitment.
NOTICE: This is not an offering under the Prospectus Act, and is outside the supervision of FSMA. Investing in one of our products means a total investment in excess of €100,000. All prices listed are exclusive of VAT, registration fees and costs.